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Summer Reading 2021: Intimations

Why Chris picked Intimations

Intimations by Zadie Smith is a short collection of essays, heavily influenced by the pandemic and George Floyd's murder. I've been focusing a lot on storytelling in my own life and I am interested in how Smith's stories ask us to reflect on where we are. It's a short, powerful read and I hope you are inspired to share your own stories.

About Intimations


by Zadie Smith

“There will be many books written about the year 2020: historical, analytic, political and comprehensive accounts. This is not any of those—the year isn’t half-way done. What I’ve tried to do is organize some of the feelings and thoughts that events, so far, have provoked in me, in those scraps of time the year itself has allowed. These are above all personal essays: small by definition, short by necessity.”

Crafted with the sharp intelligence, wit and style that have won Zadie Smith millions of fans, and suffused with a profound intimacy and tenderness in response to these unprecedented times, Intimations is a vital work of art, a gesture of connection and an act of love—an essential book in extraordinary times. - Goodreads


[Check out the audio excerpt below!]

Audiobook excerpt of Intimations

About the reader

 Chris Williams, Assistant Director of Admissions & Outreach Coordinator, Service Learning Teacher

Past picks by Chris:

  • The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
  • You Can't Touch My Hair: and Other Things I Still Have to Explain by Phoebe Robinson
  • The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo
  • Modern Manhood by Cleo Stiller