Search Overdrive/Sora to find ebooks and e-audiobooks by your poet. If you can't find one, please email Sarah or Jo to see about availability of ebooks for your poet!
"A series of intimate and captivating interviews with poets and artists ... One feels the pleasure of eavesdropping on the kind of unexpected, intriguing connections that only happen when interesting people sit together in a small room and talk about their real concerns and ordinary lives."
Divedapper is "a project devoted exclusively to featuring interviews with major voices in contemporary poetry. It has no affiliation with any institution, academic or literary or otherwise. All site content will be free forever to anyone with an internet connection."
This is a free online audio archive showcasing "emerging poets (defined for this purpose as poets with fewer than two published books of poetry at the time of submission) reading their own poems, as well as answering questions about poetry and the writing process."