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Foreign Policy: Noodletools


NoodleTools helps you create MLA, APA, and Chicago/Turabian bibliographies.  It also has note-taking and outline-creating capabilities that will help you organize your research. 

To access NoodleTools, click on the NoodleTools link in the Google Apps section of your gmail.

Creating a project

To start a new project, click the Create a New Project button on the right side of the screen.

  • If you are in history, choose Chicago/Turabian Advanced.
  • Give your project a name, probably something that briefly describes your research topic, then click Create Project.
  • Click Bibliography to start adding sources.

Share your project with your teacher

If your teacher has requested that you share your project with them, click on the Share project with a teacher's drop box link on your dashboard.

Next, find out the name of their dropbox and start typing it into the Assignment Drop Box. Check the Share my Google Docs paper box, then click Share Project.

Adding a source

This is when citing can get tricky, as you have to know what you are citing. If you are familiar with the source, like The New York Times, you may know that it is a newspaper. If you are unfamiliar with a source, you can google it to determine what it is. You can also send Sarah the librarian a link to the source and she'll help you figure it out.

Creating Notecards

Notecards should:

  • be associated with the source
  • include a topic or subtopic heading
  • contains one fact
  • have a quotation and/or a paraphrase of the quotation
  • personal idea or question

Not all notecards will have all of these features.

Notecards should focus on one fact or idea. Even though you can add a lot of information to a notecard, keep them simple to be better organized when you begin to write your paper.

Making an outline

An outline organizes your information in complimentary ways because it shows both:

  • The progression from your introduction through a conclusion in support of your thesis.
  • The hierarchical relationships between topics and subtopics, main points and supporting evidence, abstract ideas and concrete details.

Outlines are also a good way to start writing your paper as you research.


NoodleTools User's Guide
NoodleTools Citation Knowledge Base
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