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Summer Reading 2022: Home


The library leaders are excited about continuing our sponsored summer reading program this year!

Returning Urban students (current grades 9-11) will select a book to read over the summer from a list of several titles. Each of these titles is sponsored by Urban faculty, staff, or student leaders. You will pledge to read a book over the summer. In the fall, we'll convene the reading groups to have a book club-style meeting that will last about 45 minutes. We hope this program will promote reading for fun and inter-grade camaraderie.

Take a look at the books on the list by browsing the titles below, and fill out this form to select a book. Reading groups will be limited to 15 readers, so you may not get your first choice BUT THE SOONER YOU RESPOND, THE MORE LIKELY YOU'LL BE TO GET ONE OF YOUR TOP CHOICES. Please fill out the form by Friday, May 27th.  Happy reading!






The Habitat (podcast)
hosted by Sylvia H., Library Leader

Ever wonder what it’s like to live on another planet? This podcast takes us to a simulated Mars mission inside a dome in an isolated part of Hawaii. Discover what it’s like to live with real people in a very different world, where everything needs to be controlled and precise. Six HI-SEAS (Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation) IV members, embark on this year-long scientific social experiment. Observe how people interact in an extremely foreign environment.



Fantasy & Sci-Fi





