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Español: Critical Search Tips

encontrar recursos para investigar los temas ambientales

la evaluación de las fuentes

El Internet está lleno de gran información, pero puede ser difícil para tamizar a través de los muchos resultados para encontrar información significativa que sea confiable y precisa. Tendrá que evaluar sus fuentes.

A continuación se presentan algunos consejos para convertirse en un investigador más crítica, especialmente cuando usted está buscando en Internet.


Use CRAAP detection to evaluate sources

  • Currency: When was it written?
  • Relevance: Does it answer questions you need answered?
  • Authority: Is the author or creator an expert in the field? Is there an author listed?
  • Accuracy: Is it accurate? Do the authors cite their sources?
  • Purpose: What is the purpose of the site?

Click here for more on CRAAP

Advanced Searcing

Google can offer you, the researcher, a lot more than a simple results list based on a keyword search.

The basic Google search assumes AND between each word.

  • For example, obesity diabetes India will find sites with all three words.  Use OR if you want either of two terms e.g., obesity OR diabetes.
  • Use quotes to search words as a phrase, e.g., "diabetes in India"
  • Use minus sign to eliminate undesirable words, e.g., India obesity -diabetes

Use site to find certain types of sites, e.g., site: gov or site: edu
Academic institutions and Non Government organizations (NGOs) are often .org or .edu and may have more reliable information

Use filetype to find specific formats, e.g., filtetype: pdf or filetype: doc

Use intitle to find sites where words are in title of the page, e.g., intitle: India diabetes
This may help you find more relevant results

Use the advanced search to narrow your results using the above tips and more and get better results!

How to do it: click on the gear icon on the right side of the results page.


Wikipedia can be a useful site for finding information, however, it (along with other broad encyclopedias like WorldBook or Britannica) is not cited as an academically credible source.

What does that mean?

  1. Wikipedia is a tertiary source, a consolidation of primary and secondary sources. Whe you are conducting scholarly research, we expect you to be doing that consolidation!
  2. Wikipedia is edited and added to by many different contributers. This can lead to very lengthy articles that include mintutia about your topic that may not be relevant to your research. Because there are so many editors, the articles are not cohesive, making them more difficult to read.
  3. Sometimes information on wikipedia can be unreliable, depending on the topic.

If you really love wikipedia...

Try searching in the Spanish language wikipedia page, and use the references that they use to find better website in Spanish!